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Research Goals: Habitability of the Earth and other planets

Research Methods: Combining Petrology with

Geophysics: 3-D tomography of the multi-phase system in experiments and simulation.

Geochemistry: fractionation and partitioning of elements and isotopes between minerals and liquids.

Geobiology: microbial life behavior and it's supporting environment under extreme conditions.

Research Opportunities are available at postdoc, Ph.D., master and undergraduate levels.

Here is an incomplete list of the ongoing projects:

1. Sulfide melt wetting angle within silicate minerals in the Earth's lower mantle conditions.

2. Mg isotope fractionation between upper mantle minerals/melts.

3. Microbial life under Giga Pascal conditions.

4. Noble gas partitioning between lower mantle minerals/melts.

5. Stable isotopes and noble gas compositions form diamonds from kimberlites.

6. Characterization of standards for electron microprobe analysis

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